Welcome to Nailsworth Climate Action Network
We are a community group dedicated to action on climate change for people who want to make positive choices for our planet. We’d like to get to know more of you in our community, share our upcoming projects and ideas with you and learn all about yours too. We know Nailsworth CAN make a difference and we hope you’ll join us. Take a look around to see what we are doing and how you can join in!
What’s happening?
Take The Jump
You are welcome to drop by Nailsworth Library to see the installation Climate Cart that currently features our initiative to promote 'Take The Jump' - practical ideas on things we can all do to lower our environmental impact.
NailsworthCAN wants to highlight the positive steps we can all make on climate change and sustainability.
We encourage visitors to write down their ideas and include them on the installation, if they'd like.
We wish to celebrate example of changes that people have told us about in their own lives and households.
My Octopus Experience
Shelley Rider is a Nailsworth Town Councillor and Chair of the Environment Committee, and also the NCT liaison with Nailsworth Climate Action Network. She lives in a 1970s modern 3 bedroom semi-detached home, and here shares her experience of getting an air-source heat pump. Click here to read Shelley’s blog.
The Octopus Team with Shelley’s Air Source Heat Pump
Your experience will depend on the current situation. If yiou already have double panel radiators throughout the house, you may not need to upgrade any radiators. But don’t listen to the naysayers that say you that old houses cannot use a heat pump etc. - read our piece 8 Heat Pump Myths.
Community Energy
This is a major theme for NailsworthCAN, and we should celebrate the work that has already been done. Treasurer, Matt Partridge, introduces this great film by Limestone Media celebrating the success of a solar energy project at Minchinhamption Primary school:
Read more in our blog on the New Community Energy Initiatives.
Demystifying Heat Pumps
There has been a lot of chatter recently about heat pumps being new and untried technology, or not suitable for old buildings, or being much more expensive to run than a gas boiler. None of these is true.
Our new page Demystifying Heat Pumps should help to dispel these myths, but please send us any questions you may have. Also note that Nesta are running a scheme to connect those curious about getting a heat pump with householders who already have one.
Go to Nesta’s Visit a Heat Pump page to learn more and book a visit (or if you have a heat pump, to offer your services, at dates/ times of your choosing).
Learn about the Government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme here.
Climate Corner
Have you got questions about climate change and positive actions that need to be taken to create a sustainable future? Or do you just want to chat about a related topic that interests you? Then drop into our monthly Climate Corner where Richard Erskine (our Education Lead) will be waiting for you.
The first Friday of every month, 10.30am - 12.30pm, Nailsworth Library
The ever evolving ‘climate cart’ was inaugurated at Nailsworth Library on 17th May, and you can read all about it in the blog post Launch of Climate Installation at Nailsworth Library
Nailsworth CAN Grow It
Is a support network, coordinated by Bill Roberts, for anyone growing anything to eat. We meet monthly and have a WhatsApp group, to join message ‘Grow It’ to 07932 623672.
Project ideas welcome
We are interested in proposals for projects / events that further the aims of NailsworthCAN from any supporter in the locality who is willing to take on a leading role. We have created a simple form to allow such ideas to be captured, so they can be reviewed by our Steering Group. The aim is to support each other and engage in local, positive action on climate and nature. You can register / offer up a project idea here.
Ongoing projects
Community Energy
We have formed a Community Energy (CE) project group within NailsworthCAN and are working with SACEN (Stroud Area Community Energy Network) to promote CE, identify opportunities, and further projects in Nailsworth and its neighbourhood. Read more here.
All About Retrofit
The word ‘retrofit’ applies to anything done to your existing property to: reduce heat loss, improve air quality, eliminate damp issues, move off gas. Not all houses are the same and older houses may require specialist help and advice. From draught proofing to solar panels, find out how you could make your home healthier and more energy efficient.
Nailsworth Green Directory
Find out about all of the businesses in Nailsworth that are making a conscious effort to be more sustainable. From the chef who switched to compostable take-away boxes to the computer shop that fixes and recycles, there are lots of people in Nailsworth trying to change the way we live, work and shop.
Family Carbon Challenge
For those of you that are keen to make this year a little bit greener, we have some simple ideas to help you reduce your carbon footprint. We hope you’ll join in and please do let us know how you get on with the challenge.