Food & agriculture
Eating more healthy food that is sourced locally can help the local economy. Growing one’s own fruit and veg or doing so as part of a community project can improve our mental health and wellbeing.
What can you do?
Eating out? Then stay local and sample the locally produced food from our wide range of hospitality venues in Nailsworth, which will need our support as we move out of lockdown - most of these venues endeavour to source produce locally wherever possible.
The Stroud District Foodbank is a major operation and people can support it with supplies and with their own labour. St. George’s Church is also involved in offering support.
Start to grow your own - baby steps at first to build your confidence - and take advice from experts like Helen Pitel, who gave an inspiring talk to NailsworthCAN before the lockdown
Find a group near you already doing great things and offer your support (there are Orchards at Rockness, Nortonwood and Miles Marling Field, and Nailsworth In Bloom have many ideas they need help with).
Support those offering local produce such as the WI and St George’s Church flour and veg boxes.
Participate in NailsworthCAN’s ‘Open Edible Gardens’ initiative, by offering photos and videos we can use to celebrate your home grown achievements - small and large (such as this example)
Visit Ruskin Mill’s long-established compositing and biodynamic agriculture, and their shop where produce can be bought.
Want local dairy and loose goods, which also cuts down on plastic? Then Shiny Goodness can help you.
Take part in our Food and Agriculture survey. NailsworthCAN are collecting ideas for how Nailsworth might look and feel in the future and now is the chance for you to have your say. The aim is to incorporate the feedback into a plan of action by the end of the year. Please take a few minutes to fill in our survey below.